Ye Ma (b. 1964) 马野
1964 - Born in Suide, Shaanxi, China
1988 - Graduated from Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts
1993 - Engaged in artistic creation at Beijing Yuanmingyuan Artist Village
1988 - Worked in Songzhuang Artist Village
1994 - "New Casting Cup" Fine Oil Painting Exhibition (National Art Museum of China)
1994 - "Red - Soul" Solo Oil Painting Exhibition (Beijing Yunfeng Gallery)
1996 - "9+1" Contemporary Art Exhibition (Beijing September Gallery)
1997 - "Deconstructing Modernity" Solo Oil Painting Exhibition (Embassy of the United States in China)
2002 - "Heart of the Chip" Oil Painting Exhibition (Beijing "BS Art Workshop")
2003 - "First Youth Art Exhibition of Today Art Museum" (Today Art Museum, Beijing)
2005 - "Circle Songzhuang" Art Assembly - Difference and Construction
2006 - "European Tour of Recommended Artists from China Songzhuang Artist Village" (Netherlands - Amsterdam, Denmark - Copenhagen, Italy - Milan)
2006 - "Manufactured in Songzhuang -- Songzhuang Artists Recommended Exhibition" (Shangshang Art Museum)
2007 - "From Beijing to the Netherlands" Huge (Netherlands)
2007 - "East Bank Wharf First Contemporary Art Exhibition" Beijing
2007 - "Third Songzhuang Art Festival Sculpture Exhibition" Songzhuang Earl's Court
1964年 出生于中国陕西绥德
1988年 毕业于西安美术学院
1993年 北京圆明园艺术家村从事艺术创作
1988年 工作于宋庄画家村
1994年 “新铸联杯”油画精品大展 (中国美术馆)
1994年 “红色—灵魂”油画个展 (北京云峰画苑)
1996年 “9+1”现代艺术展 (北京九月画廊)
1997年 “解构现代”油画个展 (美国驻华大使馆)
2002年 “芯片的心”油画展 (北京“BS艺术车间”)
2003年 《今日美术馆首届青年美展》(北京今日美术馆)
2005年 “环宋庄”艺术集结――差异与建构。
2006年 “中国宋庄画家村画廊推荐艺术家欧洲巡回展”(荷兰(阿姆斯特丹)、丹麦(哥本哈根)、意大利(米兰))
2006年 “宋庄制造—上上美术馆2006宋庄艺术家推介展”(上上美术馆)
2007年 “从北京到荷兰” Huge (荷兰)
2007年 “东岸码头 首届当代艺术展” 北京
2007年 “第三届宋庄艺术节雕塑展” 宋庄伯爵