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Ye Ma (b. 1964) 马野

1964 - Born in Suide, Shaanxi, China

1988 - Graduated from Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts

1993 - Engaged in artistic creation at Beijing Yuanmingyuan Artist Village

1988 - Worked in Songzhuang Artist Village

1994 - "New Casting Cup" Fine Oil Painting Exhibition (National Art Museum of China)

1994 - "Red - Soul" Solo Oil Painting Exhibition (Beijing Yunfeng Gallery)

1996 - "9+1" Contemporary Art Exhibition (Beijing September Gallery)

1997 - "Deconstructing Modernity" Solo Oil Painting Exhibition (Embassy of the United States in China)

2002 - "Heart of the Chip" Oil Painting Exhibition (Beijing "BS Art Workshop")

2003 - "First Youth Art Exhibition of Today Art Museum" (Today Art Museum, Beijing)

2005 - "Circle Songzhuang" Art Assembly - Difference and Construction

2006 - "European Tour of Recommended Artists from China Songzhuang Artist Village" (Netherlands - Amsterdam, Denmark - Copenhagen, Italy - Milan)

2006 - "Manufactured in Songzhuang -- Songzhuang Artists Recommended Exhibition" (Shangshang Art Museum)

2007 - "From Beijing to the Netherlands" Huge (Netherlands)

2007 - "East Bank Wharf First Contemporary Art Exhibition" Beijing

2007 - "Third Songzhuang Art Festival Sculpture Exhibition" Songzhuang Earl's Court

1964年  出生于中国陕西绥德
1988年  毕业于西安美术学院
1993年  北京圆明园艺术家村从事艺术创作
1988年   工作于宋庄画家村

1994年  “新铸联杯”油画精品大展 (中国美术馆)
1994年  “红色—灵魂”油画个展 (北京云峰画苑)
1996年 “9+1”现代艺术展   (北京九月画廊)
1997年 “解构现代”油画个展   (美国驻华大使馆)
2002年 “芯片的心”油画展   (北京“BS艺术车间”)
2003年  《今日美术馆首届青年美展》(北京今日美术馆)
2005年  “环宋庄”艺术集结――差异与建构。
2006年 “中国宋庄画家村画廊推荐艺术家欧洲巡回展”(荷兰(阿姆斯特丹)、丹麦(哥本哈根)、意大利(米兰))
2006年 “宋庄制造—上上美术馆2006宋庄艺术家推介展”(上上美术馆)
2007年 “从北京到荷兰” Huge (荷兰)
2007年 “东岸码头 首届当代艺术展” 北京
2007年 “第三届宋庄艺术节雕塑展” 宋庄伯爵

 Asian Girls, 2008
亚洲女郎, 2008
35 inches
88 cms

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