Guoqiang Liang (b. 1984)
Guoqiang Liang, born in 1984 in Shandong Province, China, graduated with a bachelor's and master's degree from the Chinese Painting Department of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts. He studied under the guidance of Mr. He Jiaying, Liu Quanyi, Zhao Lihui, Xu Zhan, Chen Zhi, Yan Baozhen, and other respected mentors. His main focus is on meticulous figure painting. He is a faculty member at the College of Fine Arts, Tangshan Normal University.
In 2006, he was awarded the Winsor & Newton Scholarship and participated in the Outstanding Works Exhibition.
In 2008, he received the First Prize Scholarship from the academy.
In 2008, his artwork was featured in the Tianjin First College Student Creative Arts Festival.
In 2009, his works were exhibited at Changchun University's Tourism College.
In 2012, he received an Outstanding Award at the Jilin Province Small Paintings Exhibition.
In 2014, his works were featured in the Shandong Dezhou Runde Tang Spring Auction.
In 2014, he was invited to exhibit at the Shandong Dezhou Wanshun Tang Art Exhibition.
In 2015, he was invited to the Shandong Dezhou Young Artists Exhibition.
In 2015, his mid-term works were displayed at the Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts Graduate Exhibition.
In 2016, his works were exhibited at the "Spirit of the Academy" - China (Yiwu) Cultural Fair's Exhibition of Graduate Works from Eight Fine Arts Institutes.
In 2017, his outstanding works were showcased at the Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts Graduate Exhibition and received awards from the academy.
In 2017, multiple pieces of his artwork were collected at the Nanjing Yourun Art Museum's 2nd "Inside and Outside the Door" Fine Arts Institute Graduate Exhibition.
In 2018, he won the Second Prize and Outstanding Guidance Teacher Award at the 2nd "National Youth Cup" National University Art and Design Exhibition.
In 2019, his works were displayed at the Tangshan Normal University's 5th "Remembering the Original Aspiration, Carrying on the Past and Opening up the Future" Teachers' Exhibition.
2006 年 温莎牛顿奖学金并参加优秀作品展
2008 年 学院一等奖学金
2008 年 天津市首届大学生创意艺术节美术展
2009 年 长春大学旅游学院教师作品展
2012 年 吉林省小幅画展 优秀奖
2014 年 山东德州润德堂春季拍卖
2014 年 山东德州万顺堂邀请展
2015 年 山东德州青年画家邀请展
2015 年 天津美术学院研究生中期作品展
2016 年 “学院的精神”——中国(义乌)文交会八大美院研究生作品展
2017 年 天津美术学院毕业生优秀作品展,作品获学院奖
2017 年 南京有润美术馆第二届“门里门外”美院毕业生优秀作品展,多幅作品被收藏
2018 年 第二届“国青杯”全国高校艺术与设计作品展二等奖及优秀指导教师奖
2019 年 唐山师范学院“不忘初心、继往开来”第五届教师作品展

Spring Dawn, 2021
Fine Brushwork, Traditional Chinese Paint
23.6” x 17.7”
30'' x 23'' (with frame)

Snow Scenery, 2016
32.625*14.25 inches (painting)
73.25*19.375 inches (silk scroll total length)